Monday, January 28, 2013

Anxiety Disorder

Ok, tajuk macam serius. Tapi tak serius mana pun.

Last weekend, baru dapat berkumpul dengan kawan-kawan. Dah agak lama tak berjumpa, bersembang, membahan sesama sendiri, mengutuk dan mengata sesuka hati. Lepas tu ketawa sampai berair-air mata. Ada yang ketawa sampai tak berhenti-henti pun sampai kena suruh berhenti.

Tak pe, at least boleh kurangkan ketegangan dalam hidup seorang kawan. Bergelak ketawa ni kadang-kadang bagus jugak. Lepas tekanan.

Ok, berbalik kepada tajuk. Dalam gelak-gelak, tiba-tiba 5 againts 1. Meng diagnosis kawan sorang ni yang ada masalah nak tidur. Selepas doktor-doktor tak berlatih ni buat diagnosis dengan symptoms dia. Nampaknya dia tak apa-apa, more or less hanya anxiety disorder. Hahahhahaa... bijak tak??? Macam ni la kawan. Boleh jadi apa saja termasuk doktor free.

Biarkan kawan tu dulu. Tapi apa eh anxiety disorder? 

"Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a pattern of constant worry and anxiety over many different activities and events."

Maknanya.... orang yang suffer mende ni, dia bukan sakit. Dia hanya risau tak tentu pasal.

So, symptoms nya apa? 

Symptoms vary depending on the type of anxiety disorder, but general symptoms include:
  • Feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness
  • Uncontrollable, obsessive thoughts
  • Repeated thoughts or flashbacks of traumatic experiences
  • Nightmares
  • Ritualistic behaviors, such as repeated hand washing
  • Problems sleeping
  • Cold or sweaty hands and/or feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Palpitations
  • An inability to be still and calm
  • Dry mouth
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Nausea
  • Muscle tension
  • Dizziness

Well... dia tak lah having all those symptoms sekaligus. Tapi ada lah. Can it be cured? Of course... Mana ada penyakit yang tak ada ubatnya. So, boleh la cuba cara-cara kat bawah ni. Memahami orang-orang muda sekarang, memang tak nak la jumpa profesional kalau hal-hal berkaitan dengan mental ni. So, boleh la cuba as yang di suggest kan ni untuk mengurangkan anxiety tu.

Self-help for anxiety attacks and anxiety disorders #1: Challenge negative thoughts

  • Write down your worries. Keep a pad and pencil on you, or type on a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. When you experience anxiety, write down your worries. Writing down is harder work than simply thinking them, so your negative thoughts are likely to disappear sooner.
  • Create an anxiety worry period. Choose one or two 10 minute “worry periods” each day, time you can devote to anxiety. During your worry period, focus only on negative, anxious thoughts without trying to correct them. The rest of the day, however, is to be designated free of anxiety. When anxious thoughts come into your head during the day, write them down and “postpone” them to your worry period.
  • Accept uncertainty. Unfortunately, worrying about all the things that could go wrong doesn’t make life any more predictable—it only keeps you from enjoying the good things happening in the present. Learn to accept uncertainty and not require immediate solutions to life’s problems.

Self-help for anxiety attacks and anxiety disorders #2: Take care of yourself

  • Practice relaxation techniques. When practiced regularly, relaxation techniques such as mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and deep breathing can reduce anxiety symptoms and increase feelings of relaxation and emotional well-being.
  • Adopt healthy eating habits. Start the day right with breakfast, and continue with frequent small meals throughout the day. Going too long without eating leads to low blood sugar, which can make you feel more anxious.
  • Reduce alcohol and nicotine. They lead to more anxiety, not less.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise is a natural stress buster and anxiety reliever. To achieve the maximum benefit, aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise on most days.
  • Get enough sleep. A lack of sleep can exacerbate anxious thoughts and feelings, so try to get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep a night.
Nak dipendekkan cerita, Ada masalah tak apa, yang menjadi masalah nya bila masalah tu di fikirkan sangat. Siapa pulak yang tak ada masalah kan?. So, tak payah nak risau sangat, just fikir baik-baik dan kalau dah tak boleh nak tanggung, lepaskan kat orang paling rapat. Simpan sorang, memang boleh buat pecah kepala dude.

Nak lagi sempoi, pergi je menjerit tak hingat kat mana-mana theme park.hehhehehhe

To kawan tersebut, kami tak confirm kan kamu anxiety disorder. Mungkin jugak kamu sugar rush sebab tu tak boleh nak tidur. So, elakkan makan makanan bergula sebelum tidur. Ada banyak penyebab bila rasa tak tentu arah tak pasal-pasal macam tu. Tapi kebanyakkannya hanya sebab emosi yang tak stabil. Hehhehhee.. kami memahami kenapa. So, no worries, esok lusa baik lah tu. 

p/s : Nak lagi mujarab.... lagi baiklah bawa baca Al-Quran atau Yassin sebelum tidur. Selawat dan berzikir juga baik untuk menenangkan hati. Hati tenang, mata pun lelap le.... ngeeee...

Thanks pakcik GoogleSOURCE , SOURCE 2

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