Thursday, July 9, 2009

Have you experience anything like THIS?

Hai Alllzzzzz....

Dah jumaat kan hari ni. Sekejap saja seminggu. Esok cuti!!! Haa..haaaa..hari untuk merehatkan diri dan tido..

Actually aku nak tanya korang, pernah tak korang experience benda ni? Cam gini, kalau korang salah sorang friends aku kat facebook, mesti perasan yang aku dok bising-bising pasal duit hilang. Memang aku hilang duit. Tapi bukan tu yang pentingnya. Tapi ada satu lagi benda yang sampai sekarang aku tak boleh figure out.
It was on Thursday last week. Abang Mat, salah sorang officemate aku kasi aku duit RM50. Duit tu adalah duit President Mahkamah untuk duit kelab. Kebetulan judge aku adalah committee untuk kelab para judge dan duit tu sepatutnya dikumpulkan oleh kak Kiah, PA dia. Hari tu plak kak Kiah cuti. So, aku just diminta pass kan duit tu kat kak kiah bila dia balik keje on Monday.

Sibuk kesana kemari, hari Rabu kak Kiah suddenly tanya aku pasal duit RM50 tu. I was like...”Oh My GOD!!!! “ I really don’t know where the money is. Kak kiah tak urge aku, tapi aku terus jadi kelam kabut. Duit orang kannnn.....walaupun bukan banyak, tapi tetap duit orang. So, aku geledah tempat aku sampai semua laci aku bukak. Rasa nak menangis mencari nya. Kak Kiah told me to sit down and relax. But I just can’t...the money is gone. Why should I relax?.
And you know what? Memang tak jumpa!!!! So, I gave my own money to kak Kiah. I was thinking.....if I can find’s my rezeki laaaaa. If not, apa nak buat kannn...
Suddenly, yesterday kak kiah came to me and she asked me if I gave the money to my boss. After thinking very hard, I said no. But she put down RM50 on my table. The same buruk RM50 like abang Mat gave me last week. I was.....jumping for joy. But..........................I couldn’t remember when I gave it to my boss. So I went to see her. She said yes......bla..bla...bla.....siap bagi cerita lagi. Then I went out and think again. I just can’t figure out when and where. The story doesn’t even match anything in my head.

I still can’t remember until now. Not even a bit of it. Nothing!! It’s like the memory went down a black hole or a blind spot. It’s so my brain can’t even extract the memory of it. The memory stops at Abang Mat gave me the money. No story to support after that. It’s strange isn’t it?

Have you experience anything like it? Like you place something on the table, you turn.....then the thing’s gone. It’s like the brain stop processing input for a couple of seconds. It’s not forgetting, but it’s like you never experience it.
Well...I don’t know, maybe my brain is too tired thinking about thinks I shouldn’t think. So, I will give my brain a rest....get some sleep this afternoon perhaps and maybe the memory will come out from the black hole sooner or later...haa..haa..haaa..


himawari said...

aku ada terbaca kat mana tah, bila umur dah mencecah 30, our memory will start losing a bit by bit.. (eh ko dah 30 kan?).. so kira memory corrupted la..

aku rasa betul la pendapat tu, sebab aku pun ada gak kena mcm tu.. pernah ada satu member beria2 citer kat aku, dia pernah jumpa aku kat 1 tempat ni, aku siap prong pang prong pang dgn dia, borak2 tak hengat punya, tapi masa dia citer tu, aku terus blur, bila masa aku jumpa dia? masalahnya apa yg dia citer apa yg aku pakai masa tu, buat masa tu memang aku la tu, cuma aku tak leh nak ingat je.. sampai skrg aku memang tak leh nak retrieve memory tu.. terus corrupted kot.. muahahaha..

so kesimpulannya, you're not alone..(feeling2 MJ jap..)hehehe..

Kikey said...

memory corrupted...wakakkakaa...PC zaman dulu kekdahya kak Sue...

Masalah ni dah ada since my 20s. Just tak seburuk ni. I tend to remember something yang crucial je. Yang less important semua goes down the so called "black hole".

So, forgive me if I can't recall something.Tadak niat pun...

That's why I have this "things to do" notes on my table...wakakakakka.