Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Do I have to write back all my list??? Just go to my facebook.....you'll see a very long list!!..That's the list laaaa..haa..haaa
Thanks everybody!!! Love you guys so much!!!!.....
Well..memandangkan tahun ni aku dah tua lagi setahun, so....I'll make my decision now. I will not think about anybody else's business anymore. Kalau benda tu tak buat aku kaya atau papa kedana, aku tak payah fikir...merosakkan sistem saraf & otak saja. Baik aku fikir macam mana nak jaga kedudukan aku supaya aku lebih stabil dalam usia ni.
***I've got a couple of things in store.......I'll take them out one by one later.
Dalam umo ni....aku nak kebahagiaan...Nak kata aku jeles dengan kawan2 lain? come on darling, aku pun manusia yang ada hati & perasaan. Bukan Robot kannnnn.... So, help me to accomplish my dream.But don't expect my little tiny version. Not helping!!!!
I'll step back a step behind this year end. Well.....just a step. I'll be here as long as needed. But you know.........Emmmmm....lu pikir la sendirik!!!...
Nampak nye tu sajalah aku nak tulis on my very special day.
To My dearest Sis....Happy Birthday tooo youuu!!!!!!!...Lurrvveeee you soooo muccchhh!!!! Muaaaahhh!!!

1 comment:

ayie said...

hepi berday....
smoga panjang umo dan sukses dlm hidop